Autumn in Tuscany


Autumn so far this year in Tuscany has been a drawn-out affair, with temperatures still in the mid 20s. The Tuscan ladies are in a real flap as they don’t know what to wear.

One thing is for sure though, the grape harvest has finished and now the leaves are rapidly changing colour. On Sunday I went out for a walk and snapped a few vineyards close to home. The yellows, oranges, browns and greens provide all the entertainment one could ask for.

We are now awaiting the new wine which should be hitting the shops any day now, the vino novello. Following swiftly on from this is the olive harvest – one of my favourite time of year. This year I have been invited by Silverio, the owner of Casetta al Castello to help with his harvest. I hope also to spend the night in his charming cottage, so watch this space…